On Reason
No this is not going to be some and rambling piece of how reason is the basis of law blah blah blah nonsense.
I must say that of late I find myself in circumstances which I'm ill-suited. If we assume that the law is about reason, then I must say that I'm not born to reason. I'm probably about the most unreasonable person one can hunt down at Law Link. Which brings me back to the starting point: I'm so caught in an situation I know not how to extract myself out of. See the problem with my logic pattern yet? Can't see any? Yes precisely that is the problem.
Then of course sometimes it becomes excruciatingly difficult to deal with people because they do not reason the way you do, or at least they think they're the ones with reason. I give up. I think I completely do. I refuse to bother with anyone, or for that matter anything.
Oh just let me end it all anyway.
On Tolerance
I must say that I am reasonably tolerant, well at least until something provokes me. It's an all or nothing approach - basically without provacation I'm perfectly fine. But otherwise, you don't want to know.
Anyway I think I'm at my limits.
I shall not continue lest I really let all hell loose.
Pray for me.